Thursday, June 25, 2009

My First week as a Practical Student

Wow! Being a primary school teacher is not as easy as it seems. The students think differently and they are immature.. Well, they are children right? susahnya nak mengajar kelas darjah 5. Kelas paling lemah pulak tu. Tak reti nak duduk diam and most of the time you have to shout to make them listen to you. I am teaching English and the student's proficency in English is not very good.

I even have to translate in order for them to understand. Rasa nak nangis masa first time masuk kelas tu. Diaorang memang nak belajar tapi asyik complain je pasal kawan-kawan lain. Kawan dia cubit dia lah, kawan dia curi pensel dia lah, kawan dia ambil buku dia lah, lepas tu suka tanya soalan berulang kali. penat jawab sampai terduduk dibuatnya.

I read a lot of books on getting the students to behave but it's not as simple as it sounds on the book but the book really helps a lot. Memang susah nak mendidik insan kan? Jadi guru senang tapi nak jadi seorang cikgu sangat susah sebab perlukan kekuatan mental dan fizikal yang hebat. Kita boleh jadi seorang guru yang hanya mengajar tanpa memperdulikan prestasi murid tapi adakah kita mahu anak kita dilayan begitu jikalau kita sekadar tangkap muat je?

I hope I can do better after this. Please pray for me. I need it a lot..

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